SleepyBot - Examples
Example 1: HelloBot
$admin = 'MyNick'; $channel = '#MyRoom'; $servername = 'irc.anywhere.tld'; # The init function is the entry point of the script. # It is called when the botscript has been parsed # without exception into a runnable block. # Here you set up the bot as you would do in the # constructor of a PircBot. It should contain a # call to connectServer(server [, port[, password]]) # or a call to a function which contains a call to # that function. bot init { setName('HelloBot'); setAutoNickChange(1); connectServer($servername); } bot onConnect { joinChannel($channel); } bot onJoin { local('$nick'); $nick = getNick(); if ( "$2" ne "$nick" ) { sendMessage($1, 'Hello ' . $2 ); } } bot onUserList { local('@users $user'); @users = $2; foreach $user (@users) { if ( userGetNick( $user ) ne getNick() ) { sendMessage($1, 'Hello ' . userGetNick( $user ) ); } } } bot onPrivateMessage { if ( ($1 eq $admin) && ($4 eq '!shutdown') ) { partChannel($channel, 'bye @all' ); [System exit: 0]; } }
Example 2: A simple file-serving bot
# file: servefiles.config # java properties bot.login=examplebot bot.version=ExampleBot 2 bot.verbose=1 # change server !1! bot.server=irc.domain.tld # change channel !1!\#testchan # change nick !1! bot.admin=MyNick # change dir !1! bot.sharedir=C\:\\\\textfiles\\\\ # this one offers textfiles file.extension=.txt # file: # execute 'java -jar sleepybot[-all].jar servefiles.config' bot init { $paketdelay = 5L; $args = size(@arguments); if ( $args > 1 ) { println("loading properties: " . @arguments[1] ); %config = loadProperties( @arguments[1] ); } if ( %config ) { @files = readFilelist(%config['bot.sharedir']); if ( size(@files) == 0 ) { println("no files to share"); [java.lang.System exit: 1]; } else { sorta(@files); foreach $file (@files) { println("$file"); } } setName(%config['']); setLogin(%config['bot.login']); setVersion(%config['bot.version']); setVerbose(%config['bot.verbose']); connectServer(%config['bot.server'], 6667); } else { println("no properties"); [java.lang.System exit: 1]; } } bot onConnect { joinChannel(%config['']); } bot onJoin { if ( $2 eq %config[''] ) { sendMessage($1, "Ready to serve files :-)" ); sendMessage($1, "Open a dcc chat to me!" ); } } bot onDisconnect { [java.lang.System exit: 0]; } bot onFileTransferFinished { println( "onFileTransferFinished: (" . javaFileGetName(dftGetFile($1)) . ") " . dftGetProgressPercentage($1) . " " . dftGetProgress($1) ); } bot onIncomingChatRequest { # (DccChat chat) chatAccept($1); chatSendLine( $1, "Hi " . chatGetNick($1) ); chatSendLine( $1, size(@files) . " files available" ); chatSendLine( $1, "type !help for a list of commands" ); chatReadLine( $1 ); } bot onChatReadLine { local('@words'); @words = split( ' ', $2 ); if ( @words[0] eq '!help' ) { chatSendLine( $1, "COMMANDS ARE:" ); chatSendLine( $1, "!count \t shows the number of files available" ); chatSendLine( $1, "!list <num>\t lists 10 files from <num> " . "up (list starts at 0)" ); chatSendLine( $1, "!get <num> \t sends the file <num> to you" ); chatSendLine( $1, "" ); chatReadLine( $1 ); } else if ( @words[0] eq '!count' ) { chatSendLine( $1, size(@files) . " files available" ); chatReadLine( $1 ); } else if ( @words[0] eq '!list' ) { if ( -isnumber @words[1] ) { local('$tmp $start $end $i $jFfile @path'); $tmp = iff ( @words[1] >= 0, @words[1], 0 ); $start = iff( $tmp < size(@files), $tmp, (size(@files) - 10) ); $end = iff(($start + 9) < size(@files),($start + 9),(size(@files)-1)); chatSendLine( $1, "files " . $start . " - " . $end . ":" ); for ( $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++ ) { $jFile = newJavaFile(@files[$i]); chatSendLine( $1, "file " . $i . ": " . javaFileGetName( $jFile ) . " (" . javaFileLength($jFile) . " bytes)" ); } } else { chatSendLine( $1, "wrong parameter: " . @words[1] ); chatSendLine( $1, "usage: !list <num>" ); } chatReadLine( $1 ); } else if ( @words[0] eq '!get' ) { local('$jFile $tmp $num $dccFile'); $tmp = iff ( (-isnumber @words[1]), @words[1], -1 ); $num = iff ( ( ($tmp >= 0 ) && ($tmp < size(@files) ) ), $tmp, -1 ); if ( $num >= 0 ) { println("num: $num"); # $jFile = newJavaFile(replace(@files[$num],' ', '_')); $jFile = newJavaFile(@files[$num]); chatSendLine( $1, "sending file: " . javaFileGetName( $jFile ) . " (" . javaFileLength($jFile) . " bytes)" ); println("sending " . @files[$num] . " to " . chatGetNick($1) ); # chatReadLine( $1 ); $dccFile = dccSendFile( $jFile, chatGetNick($1), 120000L ); dftSetPacketDelay($dccFile,$paketdelay); if ( -isdft $dccFile ) { println("dccFileTransfer: " . $dccFile ); $timer = addTimer(&progress, 1, 0, $dccFile ); # addTimer passes always the timer instance as parameter $1 # so $dccFile will be $2 in &progress (see below) } else { println("no dccFileTransfer: " . $dccFile ); } chatReadLine( $1 ); } else { chatSendLine( $1, "wrong parameter: " . @words[1] ); chatSendLine( $1, "usage: !get <num> where <num> in range 0 - " . (size(@files) - 1) ); chatReadLine( $1 ); } } else if ( (@words[0] eq '!shutdown') && (chatGetNick($1) eq %config['bot.admin']) ) { shutdown(); } else { chatSendLine( $1, "unknown command: " . $2 ); chatReadLine( $1 ); } } bot onFileTransferFinished { println( "filetranfer finished: (" . javaFileGetName(dftGetFile($1)) . ") " . dftGetProgressPercentage($1) . " " . dftGetProgress($1) ); } sub progress { if ( -isdft $2 ) { println( "progress: (" . javaFileGetName(dftGetFile($2)) . ") " . dftGetProgressPercentage($2) . " " . dftGetProgress($2) ); } else { println( "no dft: " . $2 ); } if ( dftGetProgress($2) == dftGetSize($2) ) { if ( -istimer $1 ) { stopTimer( $1 ); } else { println( "no timer: " . $1 ); } } } sub readFilelist { local('@data $len $i'); $jDir = newJavaFile($1); $jMP3Filter = newFileFilter( { # this is a closure if (endsWithIgnoreCase(javaFileGetName($1),%config['file.extension']) > 0 ) { return 1; } } # closure ends here. ,%config['file.extension']); @data = javaFileList($jDir,$jMP3Filter); $len = size(@data); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { @data[$i] = $1 . @data[$i]; } return @data; } bot onPrivateMessage { if ( ($1 eq %config['bot.admin']) && ($4 eq '!shutdown') ) { shutdown(); } } sub shutdown { println( %config[''] . " -> Shuting down ..." ) sendMessage( %config[''] , "Shuting down ..." ); quitServer('bye bye'); }
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