emEditor related downloads
is my favorite text editor. I use it for Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, VB/JS, ANT build files and last
but not least for Sleep related programming. This complete site was developed using emEditor.
Macros for emEditor
- Run ANT with selectable target(s): RunAntTarget.jsee
(Size: 8,590 bytes)
This macro shows a popup menu with available targets if the current document is an ANT build file.
By choosing one (or more through the prompt option) a DOS box is opened and runs ANT with specified target(s).
Notice: In order to run this macro you have to edit the script and change some variables!
Updated: 7/11/2007, current version: 1.3
Syntax files for emEditor
- Sleep 2.1 Syntax file sleep21.esy
(Size: 5,900 bytes)
EmEditor Syntax file for sleep 2.1 with operators, functions, predicates and keywords.
Preferred extension: .sl
- jIRCii Syntax file jIRCii.esy
(Size: 10,016 bytes)
EmEditor Syntax file for jIRCii scripts (based on sleep 2.0) with operators, functions, predicates and keywords.
Preferred extension: .irc
- SleepyBot Syntax file sleepybot.esy
(Size: 10,184 bytes)
EmEditor Syntax file for SleepyBot scripts (based on sleep 2.0) with operators, functions, predicates and keywords.
Preferred extension: .bot
- Sleep 2.0 Syntax file sleep20.esy
(Size: 4,048 bytes)
EmEditor Syntax file for sleep 2.0 with operators, functions, predicates and keywords.
Preferred extension: .sl
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Last modified 16 Oct 2008 17:38